Every family, birth experience, and baby are beautifully unique. I listen and will customize our visits based on your specific breastfeeding hopes, concerns, and needs. Our joint effort will help you reach your personal nursing goals! I will help equip you with specific strategies to feel fully prepared to bring your newborn home safely and happily. And once baby has arrived, I will visit you in the familiarity of your home to offer my support and guidance. I encourage you to honor your intuition while also being open to reaching out for support and guidance.
We will create this TOGETHER! .........
SUPPORT ...... ......GUIDE
1.-Private, In-Home Lactation Consultations
** Initial Consultation - $200 (approx. 2 hour, one-time visit)
-Weight check before and after feeding, assessment of feeding at the breast, review of potential concerns, demonstration of breastfeeding positions and techniques, teaching and support.
** Lactation Package- $650 for four visits- $150 savings on package offer.
(initial prenatal visit with 3 follow ups after birth of baby OR all visits
once baby is born. All visits within 3-4 weeks of birth.)
-All services offered above at each visit plus ongoing phone support available.
-Since I believe strongly that forming a relationship of trust with my clients is paramount, the continuity of multiple visits will help build complete confidence in the care of your baby.
2.-Private Comprehensive Class Package for Expectant Parent(s)
** $650 for package of four visits, dates/location mutually agreed upon
-This offering is for the parent(s) who is interested in learning about: ways to advocate for their birth including choices and rights as a patient, preparations for delivery, breastfeeding expectations and hopes, the importance of skin to skin and ways to achieve breastfeeding success, feeding cues, coping skills, all newborn care review (umbilical cord care, circumcision care, infection control, elimination patterns, bathing, swaddling, etc), sleep safety, and any/all other concerns you would like to address.
-Ideally, we would have one prenatal visit any time after 34 weeks, and then three postpartum visits (more if needed)- one of these within first week after birth, then others to be mutually agreed upon.
3. -Private Consultation for NICU Parents
** $150 per consultation, date/location mutually agreed upon
-This offering is for the parent(s) who seeks additional support while their baby is inpatient and/or preparing for discharge. With several years experience as an RN in the neonatal ICU setting, I have a firm grasp on the expectations, challenges, and emotions that are involved... and also the small joys to be celebrated! Being educated about the specifics of a NICU admission and how to create a smooth transition home is empowering in a very stressful time. We would discuss ways to boost milk supply while physically separated from your baby, the importance of infection control, how to set supplies/equipment for the most efficient and happy transition to home, ways to advocate for your baby as an informed parent, and any other concerns you wish to discuss!
* Travel fees may apply depending on location. Serving most of Essex, Union, Hudson counties.